BSBE 12 English L-1 Indian Civilization And Culture VVI Questions

Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter 1: Indian Civilization and Culture Summary, Objective, Subjective PDF Download

Indian Civilization and Culture vvi questions

Indian Civilization and Culture, the first chapter of Bihar Board Class 12 English Prose 1, is a deep exploration of India’s rich cultural heritage and its enduring influence on the modern world. Below is a concise summary and details on how to download the PDF.

Indian Civilization and Culture Summary

Below is the detailed summary, which you can also download by clicking the ‘Download Summary PDF’ button.

Indian Civilization and Culture is an insightful essay by Mahatma Gandhi in which he contrasts Indian civilization with Western civilization. He asserts that Indian civilization is the world’s most ancient, vital, and enduring civilization. Gandhiji emphasizes that this civilization has much to offer to the world, and thus, India should not imitate the Western way of life. He highlights the restlessness of the human mind, quoting, “Mind is a restless bird, the more it gets, the more it wants, yet it remains unsatisfied.” This reflects the idea that indulgence in desires leads to an uncontrollable mind. In conclusion, Gandhiji urges every patriot to hold on to India’s rich cultural heritage, just as a child clings to his mother’s breast.

Indian Civilization and Culture Objectives (MCQs)

Find below MCQs on Indian Civilization and Culture. Click the ‘Download MCQs PDF’ button to save them.

1. Indian Civilization and Culture has been written by …………….
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Manohar Malgonkar
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) Shiga Naoya | Ans- (A)

2. Who was popularly known as Bapu or “the Father of Nation”?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(C) Anton Chekhov
(D) Dorothy L. Sayers | Ans- (A)

3. When was Gandhiji born?
(A) 2 Oct, 1866
(B) 2 Oct, 1863
(C) 2 Oct, 1869
(D) 2 Oct, 1927 | Ans- (C)

4. Gandhiji died at the hands of fanatic on ………………… 
(A) 2 Oct, 1947
(B) 2 Oct, 1863
(C) 26 Jan, 1947
(D) 15 Aug, 1950 | Ans- (B)

5. Mahatma Gandhi was more a ………………… than a politician.
(A) group leader
(B) spiritual leader
(C) politician leader
(D) none of these | Ans- (B)

6. Gandhiji used as the chief weapons—
(A) swords
(B) nuclear weapons
(C) guns
(D) truth and non-violence | Ans- (D)

7. Mahatma Gandhi successfully used the chief weapons against the …………..
(A) School rule
(B) Home rule
(C) British rule
(D Social Rule | Ans- (C)

8. India gained independence—
(A) 1915
(B) 1948
(C) 1948
(D) None of these | Ans- (D)

9. “My Experiments with Truth” was written by ……………
(A) Dr Zakir Hussain
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Manohar Malgonkar
(D Martin Luther King, Jr. | Ans- (B)

10. Gandhiji completely dominated Indian politics from ……………….. 
(A) 1915 till 1948
(B) 1920 till 1947
(C)1921 till 1930
(D 1946 till 1947 | Ans- (A)

Indian Civilization and Culture Subjective

Find below the Subjective on Indian Civilization and Culture. Click the ‘Download Subjective PDF’ button to save them.

1. How is Indian Civilization different from European Civilization?
Ans- European civilization is guided by the writings of Greece and Rome, which no longer exist in their former glory but Indian Civilization is steady. It follows the path that our forefathers tested on the anvil of experience and found true and durable. Indian civilization needs no external guide.

2. Why does Gandhiji say that the “mind is a restless bird”? What makes the mind restless?
Ans- Gandhiji says that the mind is a restless bird because it can never be satisfied. The more it get the more it wants.

3. Why did our ancestors dissuade us from luxuries and pleasure? Did they do the right thing?
Ans- Our ancestors dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasures because they knew that we can be happy and healthy with the uses of our hands and feet. Yes, because if they had not done so, we would have been lost in a different world full form of prostitution.

4. Why according to Gandhiji, have we stuck with the same kind of plough as existed thousands of years ago? Should we do the same thing even today?
Ans- According to Gandhi ji, we have managed with the same kind of plough as existed thousands of years ago because we have had no system of life-corroding competition. Yes, we should use the same things over many centuries.

5. How did our ancestors view large cities? Why were they satisfied with small villages?

Ans- Our ancestors could foresee the vices that are bound to flourish in big cities. They knew that gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitution and other vices flourish in big cities, and the rich rob the poor. They were, therefore, satisfied with small villages.

6. How did our ancestors enjoy true ‘Home Rule’?
Ans- Our ancestors followed their simple occupations and lived independently. Thus, they enjoyed true Home Rule.

7. What according to the author, is modern civilization?
Ans- According to Gandhiji, modern civilization is the worship of materialism and violence and brutality.

8. What did the author convey to the countrymen about dealing with modern civilization?
Ans- Gandhiji points out that the tendency of Indian civilization is to elevate the moral being, but that of the western civilization is to propagate immortality. He asked his countrymen to cling to their civilization, but shun the modern civilization at all costs.

9. What is the distinguish characteristic of modern civilization?
Ans- According to Gandhiji, indefinite multiplicity of human wants is the distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization.

10. The author perceived danger from modern inventions. How?
Ans- Gandhiji believed that the inventions of modern civilization were too maddening to resist. They could give if they are not resisted, we would barter our permanent good for momentary leisure.

Indian Civilization and Culture vvi questions

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  • Detailed Explanation: Covers all key points and themes in an easy-to-understand format.
  • Exam Preparation: Includes likely questions and answers for Bihar Board exams.
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Indian Civilization and Culture Lesson PDF

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FAQs: Indian Civilization and Culture

Q1: What is the main theme of the chapter?

The chapter highlights India’s rich cultural heritage, ancient civilization, and its lasting influence on modern society.

Q2: What does the chapter say about religion in India?

It discusses the coexistence of diverse religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism, emphasizing harmony in diversity

Q3: How does the chapter describe Indian art and architecture?

It showcases the spiritual and aesthetic brilliance of Indian temples, sculptures, and paintings, blending art with devotion.

Q4: Why is Indian literature significant?

The chapter praises India’s literary and philosophical traditions, from ancient scriptures like the Vedas to modern works, for their timeless wisdom.

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